About Finding Rhythms


Finding Rhythms (Charity Number: 1151872) has built a reputation as intervention specialists in the field of musical creativity. Since 2012, we have worked with over 25 UK prisons in addition to building vital partnerships with like-minded charities, schools and alternative provisions and probation services. Our beneficiaries craft original songs, aided by professional music producers, and this has resulted in the creation of over 600 songs and 50 albums of original music and over 300 learners achieving qualifications.

The creative process in more detail

Our aim is to help learners make the kind of music that they connect with personally and through this process, improve their self-worth and wellbeing.  Prioritising the interest of the learner and treating them as artists and creators in their own right ensures that a unique type of trust is built, empowering participants to demonstrate a level of commitment that they may not have done previously in their lives. Learners are tasked with creating albums of music in teams and as a result they build soft skills (e.g., critical thinking, time management) and work to deadlines as they would do in the workplace. We have formalised this learning process by embedding a Prince’s Trust qualification in personal development and employability skills in the intervention, which ultimately means that the progress of individuals is assessed.

Our users and partners

Our interventions are predominantly targeted at young people and young adults (16-30) at critical points in their lives who need a high quality and person-centred intervention. Our work has both a preventative focus evidenced by our partnerships with alternative provisions, homeless shelters and community groups and a rehabilitative focus which predominantly involves partnerships with prisons. Our programmes create light bulb moments and we pride ourselves on helping individuals take the first step on the journey towards personal development and healthier choices.

I'm diagnosed with psychosis, which means I can feel left our or alienated. But in this group, there’s so much positivity. This is the first course I’ve been on with no arguments or confrontations…we are all just one big group.

Prison participant